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So...what do you all do?

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I make beer for a living.


--- Quote from: CitizenClark on October 25, 2012, 12:38:17 PM ---Sure. I worked for/with Lew Rockwell, Jeff Tucker, and Mark Thornton pretty much every day, and at various conferences and during their scholarly visits to LvMI I met (and in some cases became friends with) Bob Murphy, Hans Hoppe, Walter Block, Roger Garrison, Ralph Raico, Joe Salerno, Tom Woods, Stephan Kinsella, Ron Paul, Tom DiLorenzo, David Gordon, Guido Hulsmann, Peter Klein, Jeff Herbener, Roderick Long, Bill Anderson, Bob Higgs, George Reisman, and others.

Who did you have in mind?
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That's awesome. I'm familiar with a lot of those names as I catch lectures they post on YouTube occasionally.

I suppose more specifically Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, Bob Murphy, and Ron Paul are names I'm more familiar with. I look up to these people and greatly appreciate the work that they do to educate others on economics.

It's good to see someone of your background working in law.

I'll play.   I work in the IT department of a manufacturing company here in Lincoln.  Also go to Southeast Community College as a full time student.  And lastly, when I am not slaving away to pay my bills, I am a Father of three wonderful boys and the luckiest Husband on the planet.

Those are my 3 jobs.  ;D

Neeco, i too am at SCC, finishing up my marketing/business administration degree this quarter. I'm the gimp in a wrist cast and ankle boot at the moment:)


--- Quote from: gsd on October 26, 2012, 08:09:31 AM ---Neeco, i too am at SCC, finishing up my marketing/business administration degree this quarter. I'm the gimp in a wrist cast and ankle boot at the moment:)

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:ouch:!  Furthering education is a fantastic thing!  I am typically there nights, as my work requires me to be there during the day, for some reason.


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