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Any motorcycle riders in here?

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Jesse T:
Interesting proposed law this year in the legislature...

Basically exempts you from wearing a helmet on a motorcycle if you are over age 21.  Also makes it illegal to be riding at any time without eye protection. 

This is particularly of interest to me because I often ride with my full face helmet on, but with the visor up (particularly in nice warm weather). I guess I will have to get some safety glasses or wear my oakleys that i have for the range when riding. 


USN Retired:
I grew up in Kansas where you only had to wear eye protection after a certain age and did a lot of riding that way. Since joining the Navy I have been required to wear a helmet and wouldn't ride without one. I also ride with full gear (boots, jacket, jeans, etc). Been stationed in a lot of big cities and have seen, read, watched news about a lot of people going down. If you want to ride without that's your business but I don't think that the insurance, hospital, state or anyone should be required to pay for your brain-dead dumb butt if you go down. As I said, your business, just don't expect "us" to pay. If they put that in the bill I'd be all for it.

Jesse T:
I'd agree, I also don't ride without gear after being down twice myself. 

So would it be fair to say that the two of you are not members of A.B.A.T.E.

Forcing a motorcyclist to wear a helmet is like;

That is kind of like you can carry a pistol but must wear a flak jacket.

Can go to the beach but must cover all of your skin, including your face.

Can drive a car but must wear a five point safety harness.

I drag race one of my bikes, and yes have all leather racing suit and Snell 2005 Approved Helmet.
More than the track requires.

Also have a broken wing patch, went down hard with my safety gear I survived.

We have much greater threats to our country's economic situation than to worry about if a rider got hurt with or without a helmet.
Before the hospital treats the rider.
How about no treatment for illegal aliens.

In the USA hospitals cannot refuse treatment on status be it insurance, race, residency or helmet on.
No discrimination period.

Amazing how so many of us grew up riding a bicycle with no helmet, shared a bottle of Coca-Cola, we all drank from the same water hose, had big wheels (not I but some), played out side, had dirt claude fights, fist fought and shook hands when finished then often became friends.

Do you really think that we need more government?

Let those who ride decide.     

It is already law for eye protection and one mirror. Don't ride with your visor up at speed, bad bad.
One bug and you could be down, and hurt helmet or not especially with a powerful crouch rocket.
The visor of your helmet is considered eye protection, just do not open it completely, common sense.                                                         

 Edited because of spelling.

USN Retired:
I never said that I was for more, bigger, government. I want the government to turn more power over to the states as it should be.  But I do believe that I shouldn't have to pay for your (that's the royal "your") screw up. I don't believe in subsidies, bailouts, extended welfare (it should be a hand up, not a hand out), or allowing illegal?s to receive the benefit of honest peoples labors. If they want to come to the US let them come in the correct, legal way like they should. I have no problem letting those who ride decide; just don't make us pay for it. You see these riders with a tank top or no shirt, shorts, flip flops and riding like complete idiots swerving through traffic like they are daring fate. I don?t want to pay for their mistake with higher insurance rates. Then some POS lawyer talks them or one of their family members into filing a BS lawsuit asking for damages from everyone from the state for some fault with the road, the bike maker, any car within 100 yards, etc. But, I digress. I am a simple man; I believe that you take responsibility for your actions and pay your debts. Do you remember back in high school basketball when you fouled someone you were required to raise your hand to say "it was me"? Do they even require that anymore? It's a small thing but it taught us to raise our hand and say I'm responsible for that! DO I SMELL SOAP!? Enough of my rant, NEXT!!


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