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Any motorcycle riders in here?

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Hey, Kim, there is a guy on craigslist with a couple old shovels...  8)  8)

I have a xr650 l and love it. I won`t ride with out a helmet and face shield. I caught one of those big yellow and black killer bees on the forehead back when I was 16, I was on my old sl 350 on the south river road. Man that hurt.

I ride a 03 BMW R1100S, Titan Silver, with a tall windshield, and have hard cases for it. My next bike will be a BMW GS. We go on a few poker runs during the summer, one in Kansas. We don't use a helmet down there, unless part of the trip is in Nebraska.

Let those who ride decide. I love the feeling of riding without a helmet, but I know the risks. Do the insurance companies pay for the smokers who have cancer? The sun bather with skin cancer? The football player who blows a knee? The bullrider who breaks an ankle? If you pay for the insurance, damn right they should pay when you need it.

I hate being told to wear my seat belt, that should be my decision, not the State of Nebraska's. What next, all guns must be equipped with a trigger lock when not in use?  

Jesse T:

--- Quote from: LitlRat on April 15, 2009, 05:07:50 PM ---What next, all guns must be equipped with a trigger lock when not in use? 
--- End quote ---

Dont give them any more ideas...

LB200 (the helmet law changes) had a hearing in march but I don't think it has advanced any.  Have not talked to any senators about it either but never hurts to push a little..

Rich B:
I used to ride a Buell.  Now my disposable income is less disposable, and I no longer ride.

I still have my Aerostitch jacket in the closet.  I think my helmets are still at my parents' house.  I always rode with a full-face and would never consider anything less.  I spent way to much on college filling my fat Irish melon with knowledge to risk emptying it on the highway at 65 mph. 


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