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Any motorcycle riders in here?

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Kim and I ride our old shovel head as much as we can. We flew down to Florida in April for a work related convention with another couple. Well, the convention was not as interesting as we had hoped, so we played hookie one day and rented two Harleys from one of the Orlando dealers and rode over to the gulf coast and back. 300 miles on a new Fatboy an Street Glide. Had the time of our lives. Well, at the dealership, both Kim and I as well as our friends spotted bikes that we both fell in love with, and to make a long story short, we both ended up buying Harleys in Orlando. We bought a Heritage and our friends bought a Springer. Being the spur of the moment, live by the seat of our pants kind of folks we are, we stuffed as much of our clothes into our saddle bags as we could, shipped the rest home, and rode our new to us Harleys 2000 miles back to Nebraska. We took an extra 5 days, and took our time getting home. We only rode interstates when we had to. We rode through Tennessee lenghth wise east to west on beautiful two lane roads, and spent an entire day in the Ozarks winding through some of the best scenery of our trip.

We had an amazing time, the trip of a lifetime for all of us actually.

Dan W:
Jay I heard your friend was in a crash...are they OK

Yeah, a couple of weeks ago we were able to sneak out of work for a little while on a Sunday. There were four couples in our group.

It was a really bad, really freak deal. In a section of road construction, where the lanes were uneven, Kim's brother caught the edge of the lip just right and it sent them down HARD. They were not drunk, and not screwing around, just changed lanes at the wrong time in the wrong place I guess.

My bro in law broke some ribs and suffered some pretty bad road rash. His wife suffered a punctured lung, a bruised brain (minimal swelling fortunately), severe road rash, and pretty much just got the heck beat out of her all over. She was in intensive care for several days. Looking at their helmets, I am going to say that I don't believe they would be with us today if they were not wearing them.

They are both out of the hospital now and slowly recovering.

I'll tell you what, seeing what I saw that day has really changed my outlook on wearing a helmet.

Dan W:
Yes I know that full faced Bell I wore was hotter than hell, but the two times I had to lay my Goldwing  down,  I was damn glad for case saver bars and a good helmet.

I know what you mean about a full faced helmet, I have tried on the 1/2 helmets and feel like there is just not enough protection there for me. My buddies all wear those, and t-shirts when they ride, and I am all bundled up in a leather jacket, boots, and gloves.
I just cringe when I see young people riding in shorts, sandals, and a tank top. Skin loses when it meets concrete.



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