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Any motorcycle riders in here?

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--- Quote from: USN Retired on January 18, 2009, 10:37:16 PM ---I never said that I was for more, bigger, government. Do they even require that anymore? It's a small thing but it taught us to raise our hand and say I'm responsible for that! DO I SMELL SOAP!? Enough of my rant, NEXT!!

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Slow down take a deep breath.
More laws are more government federal or state. What is required is insurance if they give you a discount for signing a piece of paper stating that I will wear a DOT approved helmet or my insurance is void fine.
I am in agreement with you on the not from my taxes or raising my insurance angle, completely.
My hand is up ref.

I also have seen to many motorcycle accidents and fatalities while being a EMT for ten years.

Gotta go to much soap in the dish washer.
Bubbles all over the house.

I have had bikes all my life, but happen to be in between bikes right now. When I ride (on the street), I cross the river so I can ride without my hat, but I will never ride without eye protection again. With no helmet, the only person I will ever hurt is myself. I took a junebug in the eye back when I was in High School just a mile from my house and that was about my last day on this earth. The pain was unreal. I still remember it distinctly. My eyes instantly watered up (both of them) and I could not open them no matter how hard I tried. I ended up crossing the yellow line and ended up in the ditch on the opposite side of the road. It's embarrassing to admit that a bug in my eye took me off my bike, but a junebug directly into your eyeball at 60 mph is something I never want to experience again. Thank God no one was coming at me in the other lane.


--- Quote from: Jay on January 20, 2009, 04:03:38 PM ---I have had bikes all my life, but happen to be in between bikes right now. When I ride (on the street), I cross the river so I can ride without my hat, but I will never ride without eye protection again. With no helmet, the only person I will ever hurt is myself. I took a junebug in the eye back when I was in High School just a mile from my house and that was about my last day on this earth. The pain was unreal. I still remember it distinctly. My eyes instantly watered up (both of them) and I could not open them no matter how hard I tried. I ended up crossing the yellow line and ended up in the ditch on the opposite side of the road. It's embarrassing to admit that a bug in my eye took me off my bike, but a junebug directly into your eyeball at 60 mph is something I never want to experience again. Thank God no one was coming at me in the other lane.

--- End quote ---

I had a plump juicy one hit me in the forehead while going about 75 mph about 15 years ago, I can't imagine the pain from getting hit in the eye. You're lucky you still have an eye.

Dan W:
I lived on a  "76 Goldwing for a few years back in the mid seventies...always wore a Bell full faced helmet back then....But I tend to support whatever makes the people FREE to live their lives as they choose, until that freedom interferes with mine. So I find myself unable to support the denial of freedoms, even those that I detest (I won't mention them here) lest the same be done to me by others that find my lifestyle detestable.

I like the old NRA bumper sticker phrase...VOTE FREEDOM FIRST !

I ride and been at it for 30 plus years. My wife rides and so does her now 73 year old dad. This past fall I took my nearly 4 year old for her first ride. She dug it hard!
Anyway I am for helmets, like real helmets not chilli bowls, 1/2 and 3/4 helmets are acceptable. And the reason I am that way is because I do not care to pay for someone elses medical bills. I like to help folks out but I would like to be asked first. A lot of riders/owners do not even have a motorcycle license let alone insurance. If that person gets hurt and they have no insurance guess who pays for it, not to mention the bad rap the other riders take because of it. Just like when there is a gun related accident. Doesn't matter what the facts are all guns are bad or that seems to be what a lot of non gun owners think.
If there was a way to keep uninsured/unlicensed folks off of bikes then that would be different. Though I would still wear my full face helmets.


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