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Any motorcycle riders in here?

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Been riding all my life, so it seems.  Currently I have an '08 KLR and plan on keeping it for quite a while.  I love the swiss-army-knife capabilities of it.  Previously I've owned mainly Kawasaki Concours' and did two Iron Butt Association rides on them: 1000 miles in 24 hours and 1,500 miles in 36 hours.

As for the helmet laws:  Yeah, it probably should be a personal choice.  But I would only support a repeal of it that INCLUDES an iron clad way of enforcing additional insurance on those that choose not to wear a helmet.  I don't want to pay for a lifelong vegetative state because of someone elses decision not to wear.

Frankly, I think the choice not to wear protective gear is natural selection at work, a refining of the species that helps weed out the unintelligent from future reproduction.

Yeah my first post on a gun was bound to happen. 8)
I've ridden numerous bikes over the years. I traded the '98 Valkyrie that I had since it was new on a '09 Road King this spring.....& been having a blast all summer! Last month us & another couple did a lap around Lake Michigan on it & their Victory Vision......helmets & leather included.
Turns out that the empty nest is kind of a fun spot to be in!

...Josjor......I did a 1000 mile Iron Butt Bun Burner on the Valk a couple of years ago. Now I've got an excuse to step up to the next level! tag....

Now that the ice is broken I might just show up on another thread or two!

this thread needs a bump.

the new project: 1983 Kawasaki GPz1100 with 28k on the clock.
It has multiple problems, but I couldn't pass it up for $300 with a good title.   8)

My current scoot...

sold me last bike when I bought my house, no longer have a motorcycle, but I have kitchen appliances....

had a '06 Harley XLR1200 that I did some custon paint on, changed seat handlebars, got rid of tach etc.
pictures of sportster were from when I was changing the gas tank, so its not even bolted on in the pictures.

before that had 02 Victory TC, hard bags windshield etc, great cusing bike sat kind of high though
only found 1 picture of Victory and its just the paint I put on the tank


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