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Problem with LPD and Honoring our Fallen Heroes

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NE Bull:
As a few of you may know, I roll with a great group of folks known as the Patriot Guard Riders,  "Standing For Those That Stood For Us".  Our goal is to Honor all military, but unfortunately it all started as protecting the families of our fallen heroes from the evil of the anti American, anti Christian, uninvited guests from Kansas.

 I know everyone here either supports our military, is serving or have served (Thank You), or has friends/family serving( God Bless and Good Speed), and I also know we mostly collectively take issue with the policies of the City of Lincoln.  Today we received a mission notice for our Fallen Hero Sgt. Patrick Hamburger.  We will escort him on his final journey home.  Within this email was a notice from Police Chief James Peschong that:
--- Quote --- Lincoln Police Chief James Peschong is ordering the Patriot Guard Rider Escort Detail honoring our True American Hero Sgt Patrick Hamburger to follow all traffic rules.  “If a violation is observed by a LPD officer, he or she will need to take enforcement action, including the issuance of a citation”
Chief Peschong further rules an application for a parade permit may be required of “any organization engaging in any procession of any kind upon city streets” and police assistance may be arranged for a fee.
--- End quote ---

First of all the PGR is a totally volunteer organization, much like the NFOA; no cash, for permits and police fees.  Secondly, what a slap in the face to refer to such an escort as a 'parade'.  Would they expect the family of the fallen to obtain such a permit  and pay for police escort out of their pockets?
Every other town/city in our state will bend over backwards to either assist in escorts and/or allow the escort to control traffic as needed for the everyone to proceed safely.  This has been a building battle as of late between the PGR and the Lincoln City Admin. I have conversed with Mr. Cassady only to receive the same lack of officers/ money rhetoric.  Yet he states that they support our military and even have many veterans on the force.  Many officers (even with our un-beloved OPD) will volunteer their time with traffic and such for Funeral and deployment/welcome home missions.   At a recent Welcome Home escort for almost 300 troops in Lincoln, they at the last minute sent out one lonely Motorcycle officer and put our bikes behind 7 buses. Please don't get me wrong, It's not about us, but the eagerly waiting friends and family expected to hear a great roar and fanfare bringing their loved ones home, only to be met by the woop-woop of a single little bike. ( If they could have only witnessed the city of Wahoo literally shut down, downtown streets lined with town folks, fire dept., police dept., business owners, daycares, school children, to see their National Guard unit off, they too, would have seen how true Americans support their fighting men and women!)
I am asking folks to write/ call anyone you may have contact with about this issue. I know the mayors office, LPD, Governor, and Journal Star have been contacted, but a few more emails and/or calls will guarantee they take notice.  I know this doesn't fall within the direct scope of the NFOA, but after all, if wasn't for the sacrifices of these brave souls and their families, we would not have the rights to do what we do here. 
Because after all:
It's the American Soldier, not the reporter, that protects our freedom of speech.
It's the American Soldier, not the campus organizer, that protects our freedom to assemble.
It's the American Soldier, not the politician, that protects out freedom to vote.
And truth be told,
It will be the American Soldier, not the gun rights activist, that will protect our right to bear arms.

Thank you for reading today's rant, NE Bull.

I have a feeling a lot of people will be very angry about this, very soon. 

A few random thoughts ...

1. A parade (in this instance) would be defined as: An organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion.  As such, it would seem that a funeral procession would aslo fit the mayors defintion of groups that would need a parade permit.  Unless Lincoln has historically required such a permit, it would seem prejudicial to do so simply because the individuals in the procession happened to be riding motorcycles and there was no hearse leading the procession.  In point of fact, a hearse may indeed be leading the procession.

2. I'm sure there are any number of attorneys who would happily take the case(s) of anyone cited and potentially, just for the fun of it, file counter-suits against the City of Lincol for its prejudicial treatment of Patriot Guard riders.

Here is the Lincoln Municipal Code governing parade permits:

From the municipal code:

--- Quote ---... this requirement shall not apply to funeral processions ...
--- End quote ---

Here is the parade permit application (no cost):

It would seem to me that the Patriot Guard would be a part of the funeral procession.  Correct?

It might be interesting to provide this information, along with the e-mail from the mayor, to a radio or television station that stands in support of our veterans.

I imagine Coby Mach might be interested to discuss on DTL

Dan W:
Yes , get Coby on this


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