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Problem with LPD and Honoring our Fallen Heroes

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I bet the cops would come back without writing a single ticket.


--- Quote from: SBarry on August 17, 2011, 08:42:59 PM ---I bet the cops would come back without writing a single ticket.

--- End quote ---

Honestly, I have a feeling you're right.  I bet the rank and file would be pretty angry if the chief told them to do this, and I wouldn't be surprised if they just happened to not see anything at all.  I have a lot more respect for the average cop on the beat than I do for Lincoln's political police bosses.

I would also be very surprised if anyone in the PG did anything to deserve a ticket.  From everything I've read that seems completely out of character for the group.

"Maybe if our esteemed mayor would'nt have spent 150K on a new job position for Cassidy"

Wait a minute....we were told that overall there was $13K savings with Cassidy's new postion AND hiring a new chief.  Fuzzy math indeed........

NE Bull:
WOW! a group of off duty officers came together along with the PGR and did a great escort and stayed to pay respects to the fallen.  gave a little warm and fuzzy for the LPD LEOs.

as i told you in the PM, i will be there saturday.  I will also be trying to get some friends in on this as well.


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