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Problem with LPD and Honoring our Fallen Heroes

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NE Bull:
It's amazing how things work. There is word that someone within LPD is working to get a police escort together and that someone from some media source has been in contact with our chain of command and has been directed to the top.  :D   
  >:D I would secretly enjoy a virtual black eye this might give Cassady and his new replacment and even the city council.  >:D

Maybe if our esteemed mayor would'nt have spent 150K on a new job position for Cassidy, we'd have enough money for a police escort?

NE Bull:
Word now, through media release from LPD is that they have been working for the last week putting together traffic control and escorts for the return of Sgt Hamburger.  Amazing how they backtrack when the public starts raise a ruckus.  Not sure if this will improve relations between LPD and PGR but at least the family of the fallen will be given the respect they deserve.

Now if we can just get folks this fired up over truly reducing violence in this city while insuring the rights of it's law abiding citizens are not tampered with, things would be 'golden'!

The optimist in me would hope that the letter was sent because most of the Krazy-Kansas church members are lawyers... and that the enforcement of the letter would be quite soft.  A guy can hope....

sounds typical.  Speaking of which bull, you will have a new PM here in a few minutes.


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