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The KING COBRA is back.

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III-8. Legislators; qualifications; one-year residence in district; removal from district, effect.
No person shall be eligible to the office of member of the Legislature unless on the date of the general election at which he is elected, or on the date of his appointment he is a registered voter, has attained the age of twenty-one years and has resided within the district from which he is elected for the term of one year next before his election, unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States or of this State. And no person elected as aforesaid shall hold his office after he shall have removed from such district.

32-116. Residence, defined.
Residence shall mean (1) that place in which a person is actually domiciled, which is the residence of an individual or family, with which a person has a settled connection for the determination of his or her civil status or other legal purposes because it is actually or legally his or her permanent and principal home, and to which, whenever he or she is absent, he or she has the intention of returning, (2) the place where a person has his or her family domiciled even if he or she does business in another place, and (3) if a person is homeless, the county in which the person is living. No person serving in the armed forces of the United States shall be deemed to have a residence in Nebraska because of being stationed in Nebraska.

This is something that could and would be brought up if there was proof that he lives in Bellevue and has for a long period of time.  If anyone has some I know people that would be able to make use of it.

He has his Barber Shop in N Omaha, and upstairs is the apartment where his wife and him raised their kids.  But my understanding is he has not "lived" there for a long time.  Though he most likely recieves mail there and is registered to vote from that address.

Wesley D:
The questions are: what would be considered proof in 1) the election commission's eyes and 2) in the public's eyes?

Dan W:
We need to make damn sure that he doesn't make it all the way back to the judiciary committee.

My thinking is we are not alone in that mission. I  think few if any in the legislature want him to have that much power ever again.

From what I've seen from Brenda Council's remarks towards Castle Doctrine,I'd rather have Chambers. His positions, and Council's, appear identical on almost everything that effects the NFOA. His polarizing style could be useful for the furthering of OUR aims. He would help shine a bright light on Castle Doctrine,where manifest truths will be told. Brenda Council was against Castle Doctrine and said something to the effect that gang members would have an open season on each other legally. We made NO POLITICAL CAPITAL out of her statement. If the news covered Ernie on a statement like that;the brightness of the media coverage would have made THE TRUTH be known. Council VOTES the same as Ernie, she doesn't rouse the opposition like he does. I say, if he makes it,let's use him to promote our agenda. There is political capital to be made by us with him on the other side.  RJ


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