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The KING COBRA is back.

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Ernie really lacks self-esteem: "Chambers said. "I'll run on my record," he added. "People will find (there) things that have not been equaled by any legislator, anywhere in this country, during any period in history."

Very obvious, but needs to be stated for the record: He's an Arrogant jack-ass that is wrong on most every issue.

You know what kills me?  Everyone thinks he's such a great orator, but every time I listened to him it just seemed like he rambled on and on.  He made a lot of circular arguments, rather than proving his point.

I've had the opportunity to meet EC several times - back when I was a student at UNL and covered the legislative beat for the campus radio and TV stations.  Like most public personae, he has a public face and a private face.  I'd say he's fairly intelligent.  Not a genius, but smarter than average.  He, like many in politics, will frequently take a stance that is far left of what he's willing to accept just to counter-balance those taking a stance far right of what he's willing to accept.

I don't know how he's changed over the years as I haven't met with him personally since about 1990.

The inevitable has happened, I'd have to support Brenda Council. Hopefully they will get into a mud slinging debate, one would run as an independant, and a conservative would win.

Ernie, by law, has to live in the district he represents. We need to make that an issue, as he lives in Bellevue.

Wesley D:

--- Quote from: SBarry on August 24, 2011, 11:25:33 AM ---Ernie, by law, has to live in the district he represents. We need to make that an issue, as he lives in Bellevue.

--- End quote ---

His tenure was before my time in NE. Seems like I recall hearing he didn't live in Omaha when he held office previously, he just used a business prop address or similar trick? Can anyone confirm that? Also, who can point me to the exact statute requiring senators to be residents of their represented district? I have a feeling others would also be interested in this issue coming to light during his campaign, including Brenda.


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