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Burglar's family awarded $300K in wrongful death lawsuit

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I don't feel sorry for the burglar either but, if you're going to carry a gun, you need to know the law.  In Texas, you can defend your property with deadly force.  Not so much in Colorado.  The shooters are fortunate that they didn't end up in a murder trial.

The state should pay the judgement. The property owners saved Colorado tax payers millions in incarceration fees and attorney fees for the tweaker.

Where did they put that shovel?

Chris Z:

--- Quote from: sjwsti on August 30, 2011, 07:44:41 AM ---Another example of a property owner using poor judgement. Not sure how they avoided criminal charges.

- Shawn

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--- Quote ---Jimp, What is  the difference in Texas law that makes you think it would have been OK there? RJ
--- End quote ---

In Texas, you may use deadly force to protect property after dark,  IIRC.

dark 45:
this is what makes owning a gun for defense of self family and possessions almost not even worth it. you protect your family house and belongings only to have them striped bare by the courts? might as well let the robbers come it smack you and your family around then take everything, at least the robber will leave after. the courts and government won't stop. its sickening how the government wants the criminals out there to justify the money we pump into their police anti drug and law makers. protecting the people my ass. i feel sorry for the brave men and women of law enforcement having to answer to these scumbags and ****y laws.


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