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lincoln, NE chief of police

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David Hineline:
So how long has Cassidy been out, what's the new guy like, how did I miss this change.

cassidy has been out a few months, not sure how long.  i actually missed it too.  cassidy has some community service title now, basicallly looks after all of the police, fire departments and other stuff.  someone else might be able to fill you in some more.

Does anyone know about the new guy, Jim Peschong, and what his stance on the 2A is?  Is he the thinly veiled 2A supporter that Casady claimed to be?


He is the Public Safety Director now.  That leaves John Huff head of day to day task at LFR, Interim Chif and  Jim Peschong is listed  as Police Chief on their website. This all happened at the end of April. ::)

I just love how the city has no money and had to raise property taxes by 10% but can still afford to create a new position for Cassidy with a bigger paycheck.


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