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Maybe this is something we can replicate here.

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That is the link for the Illinois Gun Owners Lobbying Day. It is an annual event where Illinois Gun Owners rally at the State Capitol and directly lobby their own representatives on gun issues. Last year, they were able to stop some pretty nasty anti-gun bills in their tracks. It could be beneficial for us as well.

Are the "elected" going to listen to a bunch of citizens, gun owners, etc. that show up once a year, much... OR are they going to "go to the highest bidder" like say the Brady Bunch with their money and friends. CF former governor Boogervich of IL. This is like putting militia up against Waffen SS... If the SS is lazy, drunk, no orders, etc... maybe... Otherwise, "good-bye."

I know who they are NOT going to listen to...

...those that chose to say nothing because they think it will do no good.

They don't have to listen to me if they don't want, but they are least going to hear me whether they like it or not.

You can email, write you reps all you want, but untill we get 500 gun owners on the steps of the capitol demanding our rights as dictated by the U.S. Constitution, the State of Nebraska Constitution and our GOD given right to self defense they it seems like it is just a bunch of people pissing in their wheaties. Could you imagine the press coverage? I don't think we need billy bob redneck out there spitting tobacco juice all over the steps but if we had people that knew what they were talking about, I beleive we could get some more people come around to our way of thinking and that is getting our rights and country back from the politcians. I beleive this is just more than gun rights, look how other rights are being affected. But without our gun rights and us supporting  the 2nd Amendment, the rest are just words on paper. My 2 cents.

Rich B:
It's not a bad idea.

Hopefully we can get a strong showing when LB 430 is heard in committee this year.


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