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Author Topic: Mag Pouches for USPSA  (Read 3107 times)

Offline kozball

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Mag Pouches for USPSA
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:29:56 AM »
OK, I know, Koz is asking another crazy question  ;D

For those of you that have shot USPSA, What brand of Mag Pouches do you like? and is there an advantage of using the single pouch vs. the double pouch? Had any trouble with any particular brands or styles?

Was looking at Comp-tac, Fobus, Blackhawk, etc. and all seem to be about the same with some major price differences.

Anyway, Sig P226R, 40, double stack mec-gar mags. Will probably shoot in the Production class or Limited?  but need to do more reading of the classification rules. I know that they can find a class for me to finish last.  :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks for your input
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Offline Wesley D

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Re: Mag Pouches for USPSA
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 01:46:26 PM »
A few years ago I picked up some kydex glock mag carriers from themalabarfront.com. I like them and really love their holsters since they easily convert from OWB to IWB with a screwdriver.
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Re: Mag Pouches for USPSA
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 06:42:30 PM »
For those of you that have shot USPSA, What brand of Mag Pouches do you like? and is there an advantage of using the single pouch vs. the double pouch? Had any trouble with any particular brands or styles?

Anyway, Sig P226R, 40, double stack mec-gar mags. Will probably shoot in the Production class or Limited? 

When I started, I just bought the el-cheapo Fobus double-mag pouches (3 of them, so I could carry six mags---Production Division) and they worked just fine. 

Sometime in there I bought myself some CR Speed pouches, and they ARE better.  (Double-Alpha, Safariland, and at least one other company who's name I am forgetting all make good competition pouches.)  However, when just starting, spending $20 each for three double-mag pouches beats spending $35 each for 5 or 6 pouches.  And quite frankly, when I started I wasn't good enough for my mag pouches to be what was holding me back from winning.  :)

I'd suggest the cheap Fobus double-mag pouches.  At the cheapest price you can find.  If you find later that you are going to keep doing the competition stuff, and seriously work on going up in class---then later, when you know more about what exactly you want, you can get the more expensive pouches.

Just my opinion.  (I made B and later A class with a $15 Uncle Mikes kydex holster and the Fobus pouches on a Bianchi belt.  So it can't be THAT hard!  It is also true that now I run a Blade-Tech DOH holster and CR Speed pouches and belt---but I didn't actually get those things until I knew what I wanted and had seen how the various choices worked.)
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Re: Mag Pouches for USPSA
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 08:22:37 PM »
I use an XD gear mag holder that I got for free.  And I don't even have an XD!

I don't really care for it but it works.  I borrowed a Fobus once last year and really liked it.

Offline JTH

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Re: Mag Pouches for USPSA
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 10:43:04 AM »
I think Fobus mag pouches are excellent for beginning competitors...

...but for God's sake don't use a Fobus holster.

It isn't illegal or anything, and you won't get in trouble for it----but they suck.  Seriously.

The retention is such that people yanking their guns out have pulled their pants to their armpits, broken belt loops, lost control of their guns---and all this for a holster that generally doesn't even fully cover the trigger guard, which mostly has a poor-quality paddle that occasionally breaks (and I've seen that too).

If you want a nice cheap kydex competition holster, buy an Uncle Mikes, or a Blackhawk CQC (not the SERPA type---you don't need the extra retention.  Just buy the standard one).  Either one of those will work just fine for any type of action competitions, and cost easily less than $35. 

Ditch the Fobus and the nylon holsters.  You'll be a lot safer, AND you'll be able to access the gun a lot faster at the same time.
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