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Why I am done with Cabelas.

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The wife and I decided to take a 260 one way trip to Cabelas in Sydney, Ne today on the bikes. We got there, did some shopping and looking around for about an hour. Checked out with our purchases that I paid cash for. When I got to the bike in the parking lot and went to put on my new gloves, the stitching was gone in a part by the wrist.

Having not even been 10 minutes since I checked out, I went back in the store to exchange the gloves for a pair that was sewn together properly. I was stopped as I walked in the door because the alarm went off, which I expected. I was detained at the desk while they verified I didn't just walk in with a pair of gloves that I found somewhere. The gloves were tagged and I was told to go to the back of the store to the customer service counter, where I was the only one there and two people were just standing there talking. I finally had to ask them if this was where I was to go for a refund since I wasn't going to waste any more time walking back to the powersports section of the store to get another pair of gloves that I was guessing were of the same great quality.

Here goes the refund story. I was told that since I paid cash, I could not get a refund without handing over my drivers license. I said I would not, I did not have to show it to buy the product at the register with the cash from my wallet. I was told that I may have stolen the gloves from somewhere and was lucky enough to find the receipt. I said that it didn't matter, I had the gloves and receipt, and I wanted my money back because it's not my fault they sell crap. This obviously was not the right thing to say to this POS person, I was now going to be detained for other things, what I don't know. Then I was told they would not give me cash without my DL., nor would I get the gloves back. I said that they can either give me the cash or I would call the police and report them for theft of my gloves or money.

I want to know why it is such a big deal to get your money back for the crap that they are selling, and I will also bet the gloves went right back on the shelf.

I am done with a company that does business this way, I don't have to put up with it, and I won't!

Corporate crap.

Don't care what crap it is, I am going to spend my money with a business that doesn't treat me like a terrorist because I want my money back for the China made crap they are selling. I emailed them, but doubt if they will be concerned since they are well stocked with customers that spend more money than I do.

So.............did you get your money?

I did, but it took a lot longer than it should have, and they have lost two customers now.


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