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Why I am done with Cabelas.

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Yes, to the above and it is just wrong that you have to present your D. L. even when you paid in cash and or credit. I won't buy any firearms from them anymore the Kearney store requires you to fill out the form on computer so that really turns me off and i'll buy local and at gun shows from now on. I think the only way they will do that is an exact replacement of same item. But it seems better to purchase items on line if your willing to wait. so much for being fair or equal it is what it is a pain.

i'm sorry you had such a bad experience.  i haven't had a bad experience with them either, except the sometimes terrible waits at the gun counters.


--- Quote from: NE Bull on September 25, 2011, 10:33:55 AM ---I normally just shop their ads, bargain cave, and occasionally catch a decent deal on the used rack.  I would rather shop there than some other big box sporting goods store, since they ARE a Nebraska company.  One which we would do good to have on our (NFOA) side. 
That being said, I'm sorry for DaveB's experience, sounds like folks on both sides of the counter were having a bad day.

--- End quote ---

I wasn't having a bad day, we rode our bikes in beautiful weather with the plan of going to the Sydney Cabela's. We had never been to that store. My bad day started when they sold me some made in China junk that was not even sewn and all I asked them to do was make it right.

I don't care if other people shop there and enjoy it. I hope nobody else ever has a problem. But I will not waste my time with them ever again, they give Nebraska a bad reputation the way they run their business. I wonder how many people from out of the state stop in to buy something only to find out they bought junk? They are just plain stuck with it unless they want to bow to the customer joke of service.

Now my bad experience is behind me, and the customer service email shows that they don't read what you send to them either. I am no longer upset, I still have the option to spend my money as I please, and they will just have to do without it.

NE Bull:
Sooo. how WAS the Ride?  Interstate or back highways?  At least you had 260 miles of highway to cleanse the soul. ;)

Mine is "in the shop" and this weather of late is causing a baad itch. 

Unfortunately, there are enough dirt bags who try to take advantage of generous return policies at most larger retail stores that they've had to take back some of that generosity.  Cabela's certainly isn't unique in requiring a driver's license for a cash return.  I returned some items to Home Depot yesterday.  I had paid cash for them and really just wanted to exchange them for a similar item.  Instead, Home Depot issued me a store credit.  They checked my driver's license to make sure I wasn't a "habitual returner" and I was fine with that.  No big deal.


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