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Why I am done with Cabelas.

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--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on September 26, 2011, 08:32:03 AM ---Unfortunately, there are enough dirt bags who try to take advantage of generous return policies at most larger retail stores that they've had to take back some of that generosity.  Cabela's certainly isn't unique in requiring a driver's license for a cash return.  I returned some items to Home Depot yesterday.  I had paid cash for them and really just wanted to exchange them for a similar item.  Instead, Home Depot issued me a store credit.  They checked my driver's license to make sure I wasn't a "habitual returner" and I was fine with that.  No big deal.

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I call that "sheeple". What are you going to give them next?

A store credit for a cash purchase? They just guaranteed that they will have a return customer and not lose a dime. That is how the new government is wanting to work.


--- Quote from: NE Bull on September 26, 2011, 08:10:55 AM ---Sooo. how WAS the Ride?  Interstate or back highways?  At least you had 260 miles of highway to cleanse the soul. ;)

Mine is "in the shop" and this weather of late is causing a baad itch. 

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Had to take the interstate this time. The reason is that we have horses that need taken care of twice a day. Last time we just took state highways, but had family around to take care of things here.

My bike needs a lot of work now too, but I have to keep it going to keep the wife leading the most miles rode contest. Glad it ends Saturday, 250 miles a day on top of work is wearing my old butt out.


--- Quote from: DaveB on September 26, 2011, 08:43:52 AM ---I call that "sheeple". What are you going to give them next?

A store credit for a cash purchase? They just guaranteed that they will have a return customer and not lose a dime. That is how the new government is wanting to work.

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Before you start calling people you don't know a bunch of names ... maybe you want to step back for a moment and tell me what's on your driver's license that isn't already public knowledge, or publicly available.  The driver's license number?  What can they do with that?  Maybe you don't want people to know your weight ... or height ... or eye and hair color.

As far as store credit for a cash purchase goes:

1. I didn't have a receipt.  I'm bad about not hanging onto receipts.
2. I only wanted to exchange the items, anyway, so I was happy with the store credit.


--- Quote from: RobertH on September 25, 2011, 07:21:36 PM ---i'm sorry you had such a bad experience.  i haven't had a bad experience with them either, except the sometimes terrible waits at the gun counters.

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I have had to wait numerous times at their gun counter. The sales staff isn't usually very friendly. I've stood and waited for service while they chit-chat. They burned my bridge when they put up the red "take a number" dispenser. I like to stop by Moeller Arms and chit-chat when I buy my guns. I won't be going back to Cabela's.


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on September 26, 2011, 01:22:03 PM ---Before you start calling people you don't know a bunch of names ... maybe you want to step back for a moment and tell me what's on your driver's license that isn't already public knowledge, or publicly available.  The driver's license number?  What can they do with that?  Maybe you don't want people to know your weight ... or height ... or eye and hair color.

As far as store credit for a cash purchase goes:

1. I didn't have a receipt.  I'm bad about not hanging onto receipts.
2. I only wanted to exchange the items, anyway, so I was happy with the store credit.

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I paid cash, did not need to show ID, the purchase was not even 10 minutes old. I had the receipt. There was nothing else needed. I will not subject myself to undue harassment, especially to a retail store. They acted like they were the government, they are not. As far as calling you a name, sorry, it wasn't meant to you directly, it is just what the country is turning into, give to whatever agency wants it. And I am the one that was called a dirt bag, but that's okay, I can handle it. And what is the big deal about being a habitual returner, I had a receipt and a defective pair of gloves. It's not my fault Cabela's sells Walmart quality. They don't have to worry about me returning anything any more, I will not shop there.

One Dirt bag, signing off.


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