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Why I am done with Cabelas.

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I see this as another sign of Cabela's growing pains. It appears they implemented a policy without sufficient education and training.
  I see them trying to react to customer needs and wants,I think you are aiming low,DaveB, and should redirect your complaint higher up. I suspect if policy makers and implementers knew of your incident,you may have a positive experience in the end.
  Then again, as a kid, I watched "the Wonderful World of Disney".   sometimes I still think that's the way the world is.heh heh.  RJ


--- Quote from: omaharj on September 27, 2011, 04:19:15 PM ---I see this as another sign of Cabela's growing pains. It appears they implemented a policy without sufficient education and training.
  I see them trying to react to customer needs and wants,I think you are aiming low,DaveB, and should redirect your complaint higher up. I suspect if policy makers and implementers knew of your incident,you may have a positive experience in the end.
  Then again, as a kid, I watched "the Wonderful World of Disney".   sometimes I still think that's the way the world is.heh heh.  RJ

--- End quote ---

I did the best I could, I sent them an email that was handled by a minimum wage employee I'm sure.

I was civil through the whole event until they said I couldn't get my cash back less than 10 minutes after I made the purchase, and had the receipt. I was still civil, did not swear or call anyone names, but do not feel that I should have had to show ID for a total cash transaction. My email was no different, but their reply shows that one customer loss at a time to them means absolutely nothing.

Mud, I have never returned anything to Cabela's before, but screw with me once and there will not be a second time. As far as calling you a sheeple, it was also a general term meant to go to all the people that are willing to give in to corporate BS. Also, the only reason they want the DL is to make sure I get more crap from them in the mail now. As far as my DL goes, it is a government ID and not a Cabela's cash refund ID, it is of no use or value to them.


--- Quote from: DaveB on September 27, 2011, 08:05:25 PM ---As far as my DL goes, it is a government ID and not a Cabela's cash refund ID, it is of no use or value to them.

--- End quote ---

* Honest shopper A makes cash purchase at Cabela's.
* Honest shopper A goes to car in parking lot and places newly purchased items (with receipt) in said car, and then goes to another restaurant or shop.
* Dishonest thief B watches shopper A and when they are out of sight, illegally enters car to retrieve merchandise.
* Dishonest thief B enters Cabela's to get the cash from the purchase.
* Cabela's takes official state ID information and records it.
* Honest shopper A comes into Cabela's when they find their items stolen.
* Cabela's has the information to provide to police.Sounds like it could be useful to me.  Just say'n.


And how many times has this happened in Sydney, Nebraska? And in less than ten minutes after the purchase. Then, why would anyone go into the store to report an item stolen from their car in a parking lot? Sure, it makes sense, the exact type of sense that will keep me from ever blessing their door with my shadow again.


--- Quote from: DaveB on September 27, 2011, 08:05:25 PM ---Mud, I have never returned anything to Cabela's before, but screw with me once and there will not be a second time. As far as calling you a sheeple, it was also a general term meant to go to all the people that are willing to give in to corporate BS. Also, the only reason they want the DL is to make sure I get more crap from them in the mail now. As far as my DL goes, it is a government ID and not a Cabela's cash refund ID, it is of no use or value to them.
--- End quote ---

So, it would appear that you don't qualify as one of the dirt bags to whom I referred.  If you don't qualify, I'm not sure why you took it personally - although your reaction to Cabela's request to see your driver's license might give us some insight.

On the other hand, you specifically referred to an action of mine as one that exemplifies "sheeple" in your opinion.  It's OK, I've been called much worse and somehow survived.  I've also somehow survived by complying with most polite requests made of me.  Cabela's has my information.  They occasionally send me a flyer or an e-mail.  Sometimes they have a good deal in them.  Sometimes I take advantage of those good deals ... sometimes I don't.  Worst case scenario ... I toss the flyer in the recycle bin or delete the e-mail.  Nobody had to die.

I pick my battles.  Letting a teenage clerk look at my driver's license to make sure I didn't steal some merchandise that I'm returning isn't a hill I'm going to die on.


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