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Why I am done with Cabelas.

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I have only ever had one problem with them, and that also was a return.

My fauly, not theirs, they print it right on the back of the reciept for all to read (assuming that you can read green letters in a 2.2 point font, which I cant with or without glasses), there are things that just cannot be returned once bought.  Ammo for one, and my problem child which is primers.  Its the third time its happened, I bought "Magnum" primers rather than the regular one's.  One of these days I am actually going to take the 2.2 seconds necessary to make sure that I am buying the exact primers I need and not just Large/Small and Pistol/Rifle.  (sigh)


armed and humorous:
What's the big deal about showing them your drivers license?  It would have saved you a lot of hassle and eliminated the need for this thread.  I'm not saying Cabela's customer service or policies are the greatest, but you had to get your wallet out anyway to put the cash back in, so why not just show them the damn license and get it over with.  I'm sorry, but it bugs me when people rail against minor inconveniences as a matter of principle when it makes a major inconvenience out of the situation.  If there were some good reason for not showing your drivers license (like you didn't have one), I could see where you would be upset.

I know.  I have too much time on my hands, and this is an old post that probably didn't need to be revisited.  From my own perspective, I think Cabela's is a decent place to shop (though I'll agree the waiting times at the gun counter can be annoying), and they don't discriminate against CHP holders.

I really think everyone should work retail at least for a couple months in their lives.  You gain a much better sense of what some of these people have to deal with on a daily basis. 

Did they handle the situation as well as they could have? No, probably not. 

However when it comes to large chains like Cabela's, Walmart, etc. you really cannot expect to be treated like you're shopping in ma and pop stores.  These people aren't going to remember your name, your birthday.  They're already probably helped 100+ people they've never met before that very day.

You're there shopping because they have the products and/or are usually cheaper and/or at much more of a convenience than driving around to multiple places or buying online and waiting days to get the product.  These places have rules and policies that their associates must follow, and unfortunately, they have to enforce them with every customer, every time, or risk being labeled as discriminatory. 


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