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Nebraska's Current CHP Count

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As of 26 September 2011 there was 15,279 permits issued according to Deb Collins at NSP.

NE Bull:
WOW!  But with over 15,000 permits issued, I can't help but ask, why are sitting at only 5000+ members?
$200 plus in training/classes and application fees, but $? to help/join the group responsible for pushing such legislation through. How do we reach these fine law abiding citizens?

I know we have some (several?) CHP instructors on the forum.  Are they providing information to all their students regarding the NFOA, and how the founders were fundamentally involved with the legislation which allows them to take such a class?

Maybe a mailing to the Nebraska CHP instructors with a sample flier we would like distributed would be beneficial?



--- Quote from: OnTheFly on September 27, 2011, 04:26:29 PM ---
Maybe a mailing to the Nebraska CHP instructors with a sample flier we would like distributed would be beneficial?


--- End quote ---

Great idea!  I'd be willing to mail a letter and brochure to a list of CCW instructors.  Any volunteers to compile that list? 

You should be able to get that list straight off the State Patrol website... unless there are some CCW instructors that don't allow their name and contact info listed.


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