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Why I am not done with Cabelas.

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Every time I go into the store in LaVista, they have some boxes of 7.7x58 Jap for my Arisaka.  Which consistently blows me away.  They (obviously) have some sort of inventory tracking system that says to itself, "Hey, somebody keeps buying all this obscure caliber of ammunition that we have on the shelves.  We should continue to stock it"

Also, I noticed this Saturday that the red "take a number" device is gone from the gun counter. 


--- Quote from: Hermit on October 02, 2011, 06:51:31 PM ---Every time I go into the store in LaVista, they have some boxes of 7.7x58 Jap for my Arisaka.  Which consistently blows me away.  They (obviously) have some sort of inventory tracking system that says to itself, "Hey, somebody keeps buying all this obscure caliber of ammunition that we have on the shelves.  We should continue to stock it"

Also, I noticed this Saturday that the red "take a number" device is gone from the gun counter.

--- End quote ---
Haha... you're trying to get me back in there.

Incidentally, I've heard 7.7x58 is actually the same cartridge as .303 British, or at least close enough that you can fire .303 in an Arisaka.  I'm not 100% sure that's true, but I do believe the Japanese based the 7.7 round on the .303. 

Thank God Prvi Partisan makes ammo for all these obscure old calibers.  I love my milsurps.

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: bkoenig on October 02, 2011, 08:03:06 PM ---Thank God Prvi Partisan makes ammo for all these obscure old calibers.  I love my milsurps.

--- End quote ---
+1  Privi has really stepped up in the old school ammo dept. Good brass to boot.

I just checked and held a .303 up next to a 7.7x58 and just eyeballing it, they don't look near enough alike to consider even trying one in the other.  Different shoulder, taper, overall length and the .303 is rimmed, where the 7.7 isn't.

That said, there might be a way to get brass from one re-sized to work in the other, but I know nothing of reloading and I may be talking out of my backside.  Well, actually, I /know/ I am, heh.


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