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Don't touch the merchandise?

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Hi folks. I've been reading a lot on the forums and I really enjoy it so far. I just saw in another thread about gun shows someone had posted warning people not to handle all the merchandise on the table.
My question is simple - Why not? (the other thread was very old, so I started this one)

I mean, if you're there to sell guns and I'm there to buy guns and what you have is of interest to me, why would you not want me to handle your merchandise? Everyone is a potential buyer, right? If you don't accept that simple truth, then you're probably not selling to your full potential. Some days I've gone to gun shows and I'm dressed pretty well, and some days I go and I feel like someone is going to offer me change because they think I'm a hobo. But either way, I'm certainly a potential buyer of goods and I'm very impulsive. :) I can also tell you that there have been (many) times at gun shows that someone has had something I really liked and I really wanted to buy it, but the seller was just one of those types of people that was generally unpleasant so I moved on to the next table.
I'm not meaning to rant or anything, and I say this all with all due respect. I hope that it might stimulate some good conversation here and might even change some opinions that gun sellers might have and the way they deal with their potential customers.


Dan W:
While I certainly agree that handling the merchandise should be allowed, I also think one needs to get permission from the seller first.


--- Quote from: Dan W on October 05, 2011, 06:48:30 PM ---While I certainly agree that handling the merchandise should be allowed, I also think one needs to get permission from the seller first.

--- End quote ---

Yep, I always ask.  But if the seller says no you can bet I won't buy from him.

You have to try to see it from "the other side of the table".   ;)

After having 30 people finger-phook your $1300 Sako, $900 Weatherby, and $800 Winchester 1906 only 2 hours into the show, saying "boy that sure is a sweet rifle, too bad I only brought $7 with me for some alligator jerky"... you might get a bit grumpy and protective of your guns too. 

Most people are respectful of others' property, some... not so much.  I've had people literally take a gun apart in front of me(without asking first) who have no clue whatsoever of how the gun works or how it goes back together.  I also had one doofus take a mag out of a bolt action shotgun and proceed to take it apart allowing the spring to fly 4 tables away.  He set what was left on the table and walked away.  That is kinda a turn-off for the seller.

If I don't know the person selling the gun, I will always ask before I pick something up.  If I do know them and the gun is exceptionally nice or expensive, I will ask permission first.     

It's the polite thing to do.

I always ask, I hate handling things that don't belong to me. The ones that have the signs all over telling me not to touch I just look and keep moving past them. That's their choice, and the way they want to do business.


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