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Wasn't Plattsmouth one of the No CCW Cities?



We may have another non gun friendly Senator.

Dan W:
2 former NFOA directors are  from Plattsmouth, so maybe they can fill us in

Yes, it was.  The mayor and police chief (at that time) were against CCW, but when we presented logical information regarding the philosophy and the realities surrounding concealed carry, the city council voted to remove the ordinance.  The mayor did not oppose the vote to repeal the ordinance. 

I would not say that he is "gun friendly", but I don't think he is "non friendly" either.  I really don't think he has a solid opinion.

Thanks for the info Julie.  It sounds like if we sell the idea he could be in our corner.  Thats nice to know.

Oh, I don't really think he'll be in ANYONE's corner.  He didn't like the idea of guns in "his" town, but when faced with logic and the council, there wasn't much he could do about it.  His idea of "helping" was to make a committee to review the "facts" and then have private meetings to try to figure out how to NOT repeal the ordinance.  However, when faced with logic and actual statistical data, he had to go along with what the council voted, and it was the public to got the council to agree.


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