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How many NFOA members out here in Central Nebraska?

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Dan W:
If you can define the towns you want included in this number, I can search the database for the number of NFOA members in those towns

NE Bull:
Dan, I was thinking it would be cool to have a map of sorts with dots/ pins  for members to mark were they are from.  I have seen an interactive map like that somewhere out there in the big WWW.
Like I said, I was just thinkin'

I think used to have one like that....
Here's a link.

That would be a cool addition, and would show where we are lacking in members.

Would a Google map work?  I believe that could be set up so that a select few (members only) could add their location to it.


A google map would work, and it has allowances for several users to edit the map. The problem could be that a yahoo could edit everyone else's info. It would be better left to a select few rather than the general membership.
I have a few maps made up of our Cowboy Action ranges in Nebraska, and I only have a few of the RangeMasters allowed on it to edit their info if needed.
Here's a link to my map. You will probably have to zoom in, but you can click on the pins for range info.



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