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How many NFOA members out here in Central Nebraska?

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--- Quote from: RipTombstone on October 14, 2011, 07:24:43 AM ---
I always joke with my wife about us being Far Eastern Wyoming and not Nebraska. It seems that back East, Nebraska ends at about York....

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I met a guy in the service from Omaha.  When I told him I lived by York, and that it was in Nebraska he was perplexed.  He thought if you went west  past Lincoln you fell off the edge of the earth.

Well, PlatteCo is east-central. 

I lived out in 21 county waaaayyy back when just after I got out of the USN.   Got laid off and had to move "back east." 

I'd still live out in the shadow of Scottsbluff if I had a way to make a living out there. 

This would be the first time I have heard of North platte referred to as "central Nebraska" ..... I always thought of it as the eastern edge of western Nebraska.....

I hunt South central NE ........ SW Furnas and SE Red Willow counties ...... I would live there if I could, and probably will, someday.

Well see, Western Nebraska is a whole 'nuther state when compared to Central Nebraska, and Nebraska. N. Platte is just a border town like El Paso or York....... ;) ;) ;D
Heck, N. Platte might just lie in both states..


--- Quote from: JimP on October 14, 2011, 01:25:37 PM ---This would be the first time I have heard of North platte referred to as "central Nebraska" ..... I always thought of it as the eastern edge of western Nebraska.....

I hunt South central NE ........ SW Furnas and SE Red Willow counties ...... I would live there if I could, and probably will, someday.

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I believe he is referring to Platte County. which is still a stretch for Central Nebraska...


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