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OffTopic: ticketed for "suspicion of misdemeanor assault" - wtf ?

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This is not me, nor anyone I know, etc etc etc.


What's puzzling to me is:

"Lincoln police ticketed William Burke on suspicion of misdemeanor assault."

.... is.... this a ticket with a fine / fee ?

Is he being forced to pay a fine on suspicion alone ?

See... I can understand 'arrested for...' etc... where you can go to court and such stuff... but... this seems ..... ludicrous ?  Police can say they hear bad things about something they can't prove you did... and you have to pay a fine ?

I sincerely hope there was no fine / fee / etc in place for this and it's more or less just a paper trail that Mr. Burke has been noted for possibly causing problems in the past.

This looks like the vague type of charge Chief Hayes in Omaha would use to control  guns with his new statute.   RJ.

Dan W:
You are assuming a "ticket" means no court appearance, it does not.

Even when a traffic ticket is issued, you must appear in court unless the circumstances allow you waive the trial and pay a fine and court costs.

The ticket is an order to appear in court


--- Quote from: Dan W on October 14, 2011, 08:01:44 PM ---You are assuming a "ticket" means no court appearance, it does not.

Even when a traffic ticket is issued, you must appear in court unless the circumstances allow you waive the trial and pay a fine and court costs.

The ticket is an order to appear in court

--- End quote ---

Awesome reply, thanks Dan!

Makes more sense now.

Kids! Looks like they need a time out.


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