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Anyone need bullets?

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I'm buying a .30 cal of some kind after Christmas, so I need to stock up on cheap .308 bullets.  I found this site that seems to have a pretty good deal on surplus pulled bullets:

Anyone in the Lincoln area interested in a group buy to save on shipping?  I'm going to shop around a little and see if there's anywhere cheaper, but $55/1000 seems pretty good to me.  These obviously won't be match quality bullets, but should work just fine for plinking.

I'd be in for 30 and 556.  Let me know when you order.

Ok, I'll wait a few days and see who's interested, then I'll get a shipping quote.

Dan W:
I can use 500 Hornady 55 spire points #2266 if we can get around 9-10 cents each

Well, I'm looking more for cheap surplus bullets, which was what was on that site.  If I find a deal that works I'll let you know though.


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