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LB430 UPDATE 5/13/09: LB430 Passes 45-3; thank the Senators

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"EDIT: Thanks to Jim(who had his very well behaved daughter with him at the hearing ;) ) for posting his summary of the hearing. Well done, and I concur with all of it. "

She was an Angel, compared to her behavior at her sister's Spring Concert..... we nearly had a major problem, when we got to the top of the Capitol Building (burning off some lunch energy!) she announced she had to "go potty real bad" .....  ever try to find a bathroom when you really need on in an unfamiliar building?

Jesse T:
I sent Sen Fulton a quick email to thank him for selecting this as his priority bill. Also asked if he would explain to me the basics of what priority bill guarantees.  Here is his reply:


Thanks for the email. The Speaker has the ability to schedule or not
schedule bills for debate. Any bill with a priority designation is
guaranteed Floor debate assuming it makes it out of committee. When I
prioritized LB430 it was to allow it see the light of public debate.
Hopefully it means it will become law.

Have a good week and weekend!

Senator Tony Fulton
Nebraska Legislature, District 29 (Lincoln)
Office 2107

I am so Glad he's my senator!

Ok, Let's get along. LOL. This group is just getting started so I think we can give those that went to the hearing a little bit of a break.

First of all....many, many THANKS to all of you who attended the LB430 hearing and for those who were able to testify!!  That is great news that y'all were able to sacrifice your time away from family and work to do what you did.  I was not able to do so and wasn't able to follow on the live podcast, but my heart and prayers were with y'all.  Greatly appreciated from the depths of my heart. :) :) :) :)

Second, I was able to locate a definition of "priority bill" on the NE Legislature website in their section called "Glossary of Terms"....

* Priority Bill - a bill that has priority status and generally is considered ahead of other bills in debate. Each senator may select one priority bill, each committee may select two priority bills, and the speaker may select up to 25 priority bills.
Sen Fulton certainly did a huge favor of support by using up his one "chip", so to speak, in making LB430 a "priority bill".  I'm sure he wouldn't mind a thankful e-mail as JesseT did!!

And Sen Fulton is not even on the Judiciary Committee!!  I don't know if that committee has any other priority bills, but if it does have more than two, I hope that the committee selects LB430 as one of their "two chips".  And then, it seems that it is up to the Speaker to pick up to 25 of those.

Hey, every little bit all started with Sen Christensen introducing the bill, then a whole bunch of communications to the Senators from supporters, then what appears to me to have been a great showing and testifying by supporters yesterday, and now with the priority bill status by Sen Fulton.

Woo-hoooo!! :) :) :) :) :)

I thought it was interesting when Chris was speaking, he said something similar to "Everyone was concerned that blood would run in the streets. But that hasn't happened yet." As soon as I heard the word yet, I went "Ooh!" and happened to be looking right at Chief Cassady. Sure enough, he mouthed the word too. There ya go Chief, instead of concentrating on the "it hasn't happened" part, you focus on the "yet" part. Let's see, it's been 3 years. How much longer before the "yet" part doesn't matter?

I almost jumped up when Senator Ashford said "I think what they're saying is that they're law-abiding citizens, and they don't want to break the law." BINGO! I'm not sure it really matters to him, but it was nice to see that he "gets" it.

I had to leave almost immediately after the hearing. I was able to introduce myself to Chris. It was a little awkward in that a lot was happening right after the hearing. It was nice to finally put a face to a name though.

Chris, was that Senator Lathrop who asked about attending one of your classes?


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