Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading

Copper Plating

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--- Quote from: unfy on March 16, 2013, 11:06:18 PM ---Aint that the subject of this thread ?
--- End quote ---

mmm...  maybe I misread.  I thought the subject of this thread was copper plating lead bullets, not purifying copper.   I just wanted to point out that electroplating is the  standard method for separating Copper from  its contaminate metals.

Brackets all done.

While attaching clothespins to them... yeah... have to come up with an alternative to the steel wood staples... they just corrode to nothingness and the insane brittleness aint gonna help.

Cut up some copper sheet scraps to replace plastic and staples on the clothespins (no pics at the moment, sorry)... and there's a chance.

Manufacture would have to be:

Strip of copper, 1/2 inch wide, 6 inches long.

|          |          |
| o       (|)       o |

The small o's are the small holes drilled for attaching to clothespins, the ( ) is a 13/32 sized hole (or similar... .40625 of an inch).  The | down the middle is the cut line after all the holes are drilled.

Then bend the ( or ) sections over 90deg so as to make the grabbers.

I semi-constructed this already for a prototype, it seems like it might work. Not wholly convinced though due to the copper strips not having quite the strength to make a very strong 'bite' on the bullet.

Might be able to bend the copper sheets a bit to form a ridge down the middle or outer edges for increased strength, i honestly dunno.  any ridges for strength make the 90 degree bend for grabbing portion a bit impossible ?

Now.... just to point something out....

a) if polyurethane doesn't get dissolved or affected by the copper sulfate

b) if the polyurethane does a good job at insulating stuff for reduced plating surface area

.... what about some other metal thing replacing the plastic, with copper tips ?

further questions arise from this though - is simple metal/metal contact outside of an electrolyte still going to have corrosion problems ? not really afaik. it's not a huge amount of current.


Placed backorder @ midway for another 40s&w bullet mold (for the paint experiment).

Looking at ebay:

6 gang, close to $200.  I can't help but laugh and feel sorry for the poor bastards.

Haven't done much with plating at home. 

Wandered around hardware stores for a bit trying to think of a way to handle the grabby bits of the clothespins.  Nothing really struck me.

The copper bars in electrical (8 foot long, 1/2 inch in diameter?) appear to be the most economical price on 'raw' copper from a hardware store... was a lot of copper for $10-$15.  Would need a method to flatten it into sheets.  Know how such things are done commercially, but doing it at home... euhhhhh yeah sure whatever heh.

I've got a few experiments to try stand alone, we shall see.

Also while ordering stuff from midway, added some pvc gloves for working with the acids etc.

Did a test run with stuff how it is... was going to do 10 cells...

well... i really should have tested the cells first, had a couple leaks heh.... so only 8 cells.

Hanger thingies - i like. very easy to work with.

25min ... and.... quality wasn't the greatest.  I'm gonna blame that on power issues primarily. Coverage patterns seem to suggest that at least.

Next attempt will be at the 13v/2.5amp unfettered output.

I'll prolly wait until figuring out more how I wanna do the grabby bits.

Oh yeah, concerning tin / copper suspension in lead for cast bullets.... did see some huge tin roof washer things, price was so/so and worth an experiment possibly.


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