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Donuts or Cookies ?

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I'm not from NE, nor Omaha area, etc.  Am a Navy brat and moved around a lot as a kid.

The other day here at work, a conversation was going... and one of my coworkers mentioned "cutting cookies".  Naturally I was confused as all holy hell.

After taking a poll of everyone in the building, there are 3 people who say 'donuts' (one from eastern IA, and two wanderers including myself), 1 said 'brodies' (he's older though, and i may be the only person who recognizes the phrase here heh), and ALL THE REST said 'cookies'.

I've expanded my polling to out of state friends and family as well.  No one else has ever heard of 'cookies' and always laughs at it.

Sooooo.... NFOA .....

Cookies or Donuts ?

Also, any chance of getting where you're from as a comment ?

So far, from Omaha / Council Bluffs and more northward is 'cookies'.  Some people from Idaho have mentioned cookies, as well as South Dakota (although if you go towards the Quad Cities area, its 'donuts').  Chicago, TN, UT, CA, FL have all said 'donuts' so far.

NE Bull:
Well, down in Kansas we called it "whippin cat's A$$es".   


--- Quote from: NE Bull on December 12, 2011, 04:40:42 PM ---Well, down in Kansas we called it "whippin cat's A$$es".   

--- End quote ---

uhm... no **** ?

NE Bull:
And 'Lazy Js' were my fav, with posi I could sign my initials.


--- Quote from: NE Bull on December 12, 2011, 04:53:35 PM ---And 'Lazy Js' were my fav, with posi I could sign my initials.

--- End quote ---

just makes it easier for the local fuzz to talk to you about it:)


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