General Categories > Carry Issues

Retired Law Enforcement Officers

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Some of us have sort of been spluttering about silly policies of some few law enforcement agencies. Just to set the record straight the vast majority of men and women in uniform these days have mountains of respect for we old timers who served in rural areas where a call for backup required someone to get out of bed to come help. Most of us spent a good portion of our career without portable radios so when we were away from the cruiser no one knew our status until we reported back in. I worked in a town in the early 60s where the local telephone operators turned a light on that was mounted on a building down town when they wanted us to call in. It was a few years later before a 24/7 dispatcher was hired and the budget was $1.00 an hour times the number of hours in a year. Lets not confuse silly policies dreamed up by badgeacrates with the real cops that are taking care of business for us on the streets every day. Just remember, professional people thank these good folks for their service, the bottom feeders among us make dumb ass comments about police service.


--- Quote from: Phydoux on December 27, 2011, 04:33:46 AM ---Just to set the record straight the vast majority of men and women in uniform these days have mountains of respect for we old timers who served in rural areas

--- End quote ---

And therein lies the problem - they don't have respect for EVERYONE - just the good old boy network aka "the Only Ones".


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