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armed and humorous:
We need a king!  I'll volunteer! :)

How many delegates did both Santorum and Romney get in Iowa? 7. How many did Ron Paul get, oh wait, 7 as well. The Republican party is allowing proportional delegates in the first few contests. Don't know this? There's a reason, the media is scared to death of Ron Paul.

As for being an isolationist, don't buy it. He supports foreign trade and relationoships to the extent that the CONSTITUTION and the FOUNDERS would allow. I feel very sincerely that RP is the best man for the job, why? Because he listens to history. You want to talk about Iran? What gives us the right to impose sanctions on a sovreign nation? It's an act of war. What would we do if China tried to impose sanctions on us? We'd freak the heck out. What if they decided to start building bases on our soil, or invaded us? We wouldn't stand for it.

People cry that he's a nut job, or left of Chairman Maobama because his ideas are DIFFERENT, note I did not say NEW. His ideas come from our founding fathers, what we once aspired for and should again today. I'm tired of the bashing the good Dr. has received from the left, right and media. I too will be voting for Dr. Ron Paul on election day, and if more people who supported him would do the same as opposed to voting for the guy they "think could win" he'd have no problem. Depending on who you read he polls as well against Obama as Romney does. Think I'm wasting my vote? Think I'm giving the election to Obama? Yu're wrong. The country is shifting. We are broke. The military is over stretched and tired. HE GAINS MORE CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY AS ALL OTHE CANDIDATES COMBINED! Why? He supports constitutional wars, there was a time when the majority of Republicans supported that too. Come to think of it there was a time when Republicans supported pretty much everything he espouses today.

Vote for Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Perry or anybody else, but when your CIVIL LIBERTIES continue to be eroded by someone who "compromises" when it comes to the Constitution I will be first in line to shake your hand. The status quo is NOT what we need right now, we need someone who will ACT.

Our democratic process isn't screwed up, it's the electorate. Less than half of the people out there pay any income tax, and quite a few of those receive "benefits" from the government. You ask those people who they're voting for...It ain't Ron Paul I can pretty much promise you that. The culture of poverty we have created through this welfare state isn't going to be cleaned up by any of your "mainstream candidates".



--- Quote from: gsd on January 05, 2012, 07:11:51 AM ---Pauls isolationist attitude is what concerns me.  Lifting sanctions against Iran?  Come on. 

eh, the boys are going to have to do a fair bit of fancy talking to get my vote.

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I am for lifting sanctions against Iran. I'm am for lifting sanctions against everyone. "Free trade with all, entangling alliances with none." The best diplomacy program in the world is one in which all interactions are instances of mutually beneficial voluntary trade.


--- Quote from: DanClrk51 on January 05, 2012, 06:29:37 AM ---I think Ron Paul is the best one out of the bunch and will vote for him as well I think. Problem is I don't think he has much chances left now that he placed 3rd in the Iowa Caucuses. Mitt Romney represents the liberal/moderate RHINO wing of the GOP. He's part of the good old boy network and I despise those guys. Newt Gingrich is another one of those guys pretending to be a conservative but in reality is not. He is a crook, he cheated on two wives, he supports the Global Warming crap and sat next to Nancy Pelosi in an ad for that, and he stabbed gun owners in the back by supporting the misdemeanor domestic violence (as little as yelling at a spouse) amendment and got it passed into law, which strips you of your 2nd Amendment Rights for life. Glad to see his ship sinking!
Rick Santorum seems to be the best thing yet to happen to this whole nomination process. Bachmann has already done the right thing and ended her campaign. Now if only Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich would do the right thing and quit too it would help Santorum immensely against Romney. Romney will win the nomination unless Ron Paul somehow breaks through now, or if Romney is forced to run against only one conservative candidate. So Perry and Gingrich NEED to go!
The downside is that Santorum may be too conservative for the general election. At least Paul could draw some of the disgruntled democrats away from Obama along with young republican & independent voters during the general and have a chance to beat Obama. Then again Paul could be hurt by GOP voters that stay home because they dont agree with Paul's stance on marijuana and the wars overseas. But cmon folks! There is nobody worse than the Abomination!

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Santorum is a big government, deficit spending, gun-grabbing RINO:


--- Quote from: 00BUCK on January 05, 2012, 01:19:04 AM ---Sadly, this mentality will guarantee that Barry O will have another 4 years. Ron can't win the GOP nomination, and a 3rd party will only help the Dems. Sad sad sad. Not arguing anything, just stating facts.
My vote is anti Obama - no matter who it is, not that I am happy about it but we can't afford another 4 years of this crap.

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I don't believe in voting for the lesser of two evils. That strategy gets you more evil every time. Ron Paul will get the GOP nomination if enough people support him for it, plain and simple.

But hey, I'm not trying to attack you. I respect the fact that you wouldn't vote for Obama, period. A lot of GOPers, like Gingrich, would prefer Obama to Ron Paul. Gingrich is the type who is okay with communism at home as long as he can have perpetual war abroad.


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