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re: ron paul is unelectible

And what do you base that on ?  Media say ?

I don't like enter/exit polls, but it looks like the independents love Dr. Paul compared to the rest.

ie (43% Paul compared to 19% Romney):

.... since.... the Red's will vote Red anyway.... Paul taking 43% of the independents looks pretty electible to me.

re: red vs blue

To me, all I see is purple.  Or blue and purply blue.  Under Bush Jr, I recall getting two stimulus checks personally.  We also got the first of the big market boom bailouts under his tenure.  And for how long has GM been getting $$$ assistance anyway ? A few billion a year for how long ?

McCain, who was supposed to be the Rep candidate in '08... yet... he was all for NDAA ?  The House is supposed to be mostly Rep's, yet there were only ~1/3rd nays on the NDAA ?  What about the feeding frenzy of people adding ear marks / spending stuffs to all of the big bills of the last 8 years ?

And I'm a bit on the young side, but can you honestly say that there's a difference between the Red and the Blue over the last 20 years ?  Sure you've got a few nonissue talking points.. but... I don't really see a difference between the two.

All the Red guys (except Paul) have been talking about their plans for more big gov't that would somehow save money and such.  Fiscally, red and blue are the same it seems.

As far as Santorum -- uhm, see his war mongering statements.  I'm sorry, war is bad, mmkay ?  He's also just like the rest of the Red's.  More of the same, no thanks.

Isolationist ? Not really isolationist -- but rather getting our nose out of other people's business where it doesn't belong.  Are we really supposed to be the self appointed world police force ?  What right do we have to assert our values over other peoples ?

I'm sorry, I can no longer just vote Red simply because they're supposed to be idealogically similar to my own ideas.  They no longer are in my book.  Red and Blue are the same in my view.  Do you really think things would have turned out much differently if Red or Blue is in Office ? We've been taking it in the ass for at least the last 20 years no matter which of these two parties is in office.

I'm no longer going to vote Purple. I'm voting my conscience. I'm voting my beliefs.  I'm voting Paul.


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