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--- Quote from: unfy on January 04, 2012, 06:33:55 PM ---In an effort to keep this as non-aggressive as possible --

And I'm going to sound slightly like one of them 'zealots' I mention >:D -- this upcoming election, I'll be voting Paul no matter what, even if I have to write his name in.  If ya wanna know my reasons why, I'll gladly entertain the 'why' in private messages or something outside of the forum... since my personal reasons become opinion based and will step on toes.... rather than standard political "platform" discussions of 'fact'.

I'm sure the management wants peaceful discussion :).

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Sadly, this mentality will guarantee that Barry O will have another 4 years. Ron can't win the GOP nomination, and a 3rd party will only help the Dems. Sad sad sad. Not arguing anything, just stating facts.
My vote is anti Obama - no matter who it is, not that I am happy about it but we can't afford another 4 years of this crap.

I think Ron Paul is the best one out of the bunch and will vote for him as well I think. Problem is I don't think he has much chances left now that he placed 3rd in the Iowa Caucuses. Mitt Romney represents the liberal/moderate RHINO wing of the GOP. He's part of the good old boy network and I despise those guys. Newt Gingrich is another one of those guys pretending to be a conservative but in reality is not. He is a crook, he cheated on two wives, he supports the Global Warming crap and sat next to Nancy Pelosi in an ad for that, and he stabbed gun owners in the back by supporting the misdemeanor domestic violence (as little as yelling at a spouse) amendment and got it passed into law, which strips you of your 2nd Amendment Rights for life. Glad to see his ship sinking!
Rick Santorum seems to be the best thing yet to happen to this whole nomination process. Bachmann has already done the right thing and ended her campaign. Now if only Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich would do the right thing and quit too it would help Santorum immensely against Romney. Romney will win the nomination unless Ron Paul somehow breaks through now, or if Romney is forced to run against only one conservative candidate. So Perry and Gingrich NEED to go!
The downside is that Santorum may be too conservative for the general election. At least Paul could draw some of the disgruntled democrats away from Obama along with young republican & independent voters during the general and have a chance to beat Obama. Then again Paul could be hurt by GOP voters that stay home because they dont agree with Paul's stance on marijuana and the wars overseas. But cmon folks! There is nobody worse than the Abomination!

A vote that isn't for whoever ends up being the Republican nominee is a vote for Obama to appoint 2, maybe 3 more judges to the Supreme Court. 
Americans(and gun owners in particular) cannot afford that.  All our efforts could be destroyed if the SC gets a couple more liberal judges appointed.

I will once again hold my nose and vote R.    :(

Pauls isolationist attitude is what concerns me.  Lifting sanctions against Iran?  Come on. 

eh, the boys are going to have to do a fair bit of fancy talking to get my vote.


--- Quote from: FarmerRick on January 05, 2012, 06:31:38 AM ---
I will once again hold my nose and vote R.    :(

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There's the conundrum... when's the last time the choice wasn't the lesser of two evils?


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