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Guns and Faith

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Please don't misread me when I mention the word Christian on a firearms site.  Actually, my wife and children at one point asked me to explain how I can be a Christian and yet an ardent supporter of gun rights, concealed carry, etc.

So, just in case there's anyone else in that boat, here's a good website to start with:

That site has several good reads.  This one is on the negatives of "gun control":

And then the fam asked me how I can justify shooting someone in self-defense and yet profess the Christian faith.  This article from that same site helps out:


I guess I have to mention the instructor I took my conceal carry instruction from.  He told my class that he has given conceal carry class to a group of Nuns who had been robbed when their car broke down.  The Nuns were granted permission from the Arch Bishop to obtain their conceal carry, their reason being they were often in charge of children and what may have happened if children had been present when they were robbed.
The NRA publication American Rifleman ran a story about the Von Mar shooting here in Omaha and how a conceal carry holder was there but had gotten to the front door, saw the sign banning conceal carry, so he returned to his car to leave his weapon before going in.  When the shooting started he said he was close enough to see the shooter smile.  Now the question I ask myself here is what if he had his firearm and was able to put the shooter down and in the process had saved only one life?  One would have been worth it of course, the real question is how many more might he have saved.
The bottom line is, "You have the right to defend yourself" and God knows this and I think approves of it.  If He did not and we all took the stance of cowing to bullies, we would all be hostage to a few insanely violent people.

Rule, see Joe's Crabby Shack here .......

and here....

On the question of "How can you be a Christian and carry a gun?", I explain it like this:

I believe in free will.  God works through people, and so does the Other Side.  If The Enemy sends one of his minions to kill me or those I am responsible for, I would be dishonoring the gift of Life God gave me to allow that to happen.  I will not allow that to happen, so I carry the hardware and skills to facilitate that.


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