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Full circle - learn from history or repeat it

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Dan W:
I light of recent events can you name the author of this quote ( no fair googling )

--- Quote ---"Corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people...until wealth is aggregated in a few hands...and the Republic is destroyed."
--- End quote ---

NE Bull:
Sorry, I had to Google it, so I won't spoil, but it blows my mind how those that came before us could so accurately 'see' what was happing in their times, but also what would happen to/because of future generations.  To quote a favorite line from National Treasure: "People just don't talk like that anymore."  I hope we -U.S.- are not too far gone to never return to being the nation our forefathers envisioned!

I had to Google it too.  It does appear that Santayana was correct about learning from history.   :(

armed and humorous:
I'm guessing Benjamin Franklin.  Now, I'll Google it.  :)

Nigel Tufnel?  I'll go with Ben Franklin as well.


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