General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Bomb making material, guns, drugs found near Henderson

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Curious as to what some of you might think.  I'm not defending these people in any way, but take note of what is   considered 'bomb making' material and also 'lots of guns'...

I must be missing it, were does it describe the specific bomb making materials?

- Shawn

On the page with the story there is a link taking you to photos of the confiscated items..

Click here for photos

Take out the meth and we're all pretty much screwed.  :o

armed and humorous:
I couldn't identify much outside of a piece of wire and some CO2 cartridges.  I suppose the gun powder in the ammunition could have been removed and used to make a bomb, though.  Yes, we probably all have "bomb making materials" in our homes, but unless there is some evidence indicating we're actually building bombs, I don't think we have to worry about this kind of thing.  It is troublesome to me, though, how the media always makes a big deal out of finding guns...anywhere...even if they weren't being used for any illegal purposes.


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