General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Bomb making material, guns, drugs found near Henderson

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NE Bull:
The local rag here tends to throw the  gun in the headline along with drugs, then in the first couple of sentences, the person was cited for (on top of everything else) a concealed weapon, which I feel demonizes even the legal CCW. I really wish they would state it as a illegally concealed weapon.  Then of course later on in the article, the weapon ends up being a bb gun. 

Gotta love the skull and cross bones box too.


Just for the record, I want to clarify that I'm not bashing the Sheriff's office here.  The York County sheriff is a strong 2A proponent and runs a good department.  I dread the day when he decides to hang it up.   


--- Quote from: metaldoc on January 26, 2012, 03:33:56 PM ---Just for the record, I want to clarify that I'm not bashing the Sheriff's office here.  The York County sheriff is a strong 2A proponent and runs a good department.  I dread the day when he decides to hang it up.   

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That would open it up for you to run for sheriff.   ;D


--- Quote from: Ghost of the Past on January 26, 2012, 03:38:54 PM ---That would open it up for you to run for sheriff.   ;D

--- End quote ---

LOL!  Now that's a retirement option I'd never considered!   Actually, it would be a good reason for you to come out of retirement and move back! 


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