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Bomb making material, guns, drugs found near Henderson

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--- Quote ---The other possibility that springs to mind is that this guy had some kind of crazy looking project going with protruding wires or something that just looked "bomb-like."

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< hides his copper plating experiments >

THAT is the best arsenal a drug dealer can put together!?! How disappointing, a beat-up shotgun, couple of .22's and some old deer-rifles, just wow. Couldn't they get a hold of at least one of those guns that Al Pacino had in the movie 'Heat'? Worst of all their lone 'assault-type' rifle appears to be a Kel-Tec. Have they no shame? They need to move to Old Mexico so the Feds can outfit them properly.

I'm not even going to comment on that Jennings or Lorcin Handgun in the last pic.

Notice that one of those 'standard' rifles had duct-tape on it....clearly an attempt to illegally modify it. Alert the ATF, they need to add that to the list along with shoe-strings.


--- Quote ---During the search, investigators seized numerous items including three digital scales, four glass pipes with drug residue that field tested positive for methamphetamine; 10 bags containing what was suspected to be marijuana; two metal pipes with marijuana residue; two handguns; two pistols, an assault rifle; six long guns; and explosive components that were identified by an NSP sergeant (who is a hazardous devices technician) as items used to make explosive devices/bombs.
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The bold part worries me a little bit.  It could be construed that many of us who enjoy the shooting sports could be in possession of these items.   

Wasn't aware of a permit needed from the NSP either...

--- Quote ---possession of explosive material/components (by a person ineligible to obtain a permit from the Nebraska State Patrol, yet possessed and stored explosive materials);
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Again,  NOT defending these people in any way and maybe Law enforcement is just building the best case they can, but it worries me that precedents get set (or at least public mindsets) detrimental to law abiding gun owners.


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