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Bomb making material, guns, drugs found near Henderson

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Dan W:
Cold pack contents can be used to make home made Tannerite if mixed with powdered aluminum. Hardly a bomb. Can be bought and sold legally by mail

Keep in mind more than 1 gun is an "arsenal" and four 500 packs of .22 LR is "thousands of rounds of ammunition"

Also, I am an NRA instructor, certified by the NSP to teach CHP courses, been around, trained and hunted with firearms since being a young'un, but I appear to be ignorant about the difference in "standard rifles" and "assualt-style" rifles.      :blank:

armed and humorous:

That distinction always bothers me, too.  Even if you could nail down a what?  Now, if they were illegal guns, I could see making mention of it, but otherwise...

NE Bull:
Jeez guys, do I gotta e'splain everything?  The standard rifles have wood stocks, the assault style rifle was black-ish with a place to stick a clip in for ammo type stuff.  It looks sorta scary, so it's a assault rifle.

Any other questions? I'll be around all week..

In the video the reporter states, "lots of guns were found."  That really bothers me when they tie it into a story like this because it conditions the uninformed masses that "lot's" of guns = evil, bad, drug dealers, etc by association. 

Apparently some fuse and a bottle of Pyrodex is at least part of the bomb making supplies...

No doubt law enforcement wants to paint this scenario as bad as they can to help nail these people, but the overall picture being painted of even having some guns puts all gun owners in a bad light.


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