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Emily Gets Her Gun!

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NE Bull:
If you haven't been following this, here is a video of Emily's testimony at the D.C. city council.

Quick backstory, Emily works for The Washington Times and has documented her process of obtaining a LEGAL handgun within D.C. for the purpose of self defense.  I will warn ya'll, the grilling that ensues will bring one to think ill of city leadership! ;)

I  can't believe the hoops you have to jump through! I like how she told them it would be smarter to allow people to legally acquire them since it would be much more convenient and probably cheaper to get them illegally.

Dan W:

NE Bull:
Thanks Dan, Didn't think about that.
Is it just me, or did they mute out the fact she wants to protect herself.  Maybe just technical blip, but seems fishy!

Ross Berck:
Another example showing gun control laws only restrict the law abiding...criminals are exempt and unaffected


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