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Wild Hog Hunt

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I went down to Dixie last week and shot me some hawgs. The one on the right is a 300lb sow and the other a little over 200lbs. They were actually black but dragging them through the red Georgia clay makes them look orange. Used Remington R-25 .308's with Thermal scopes (not night-vision but thermal) supplied by check out some of those videos and you'll get a good idea of what I experienced. I honestly have no idea how many pigs we shot, but we only brought back these 2 for processing. The farmers dispose of the rest, since the USDA forbids the selling or donating of wild pigs- they go to waste.

Actually 'hunt' isn't accurate, it's really pest-control. The hogs are numerous and very destructive and costly to agriculture and everything else. The first group we came upon was at least 40 pigs feeding on a peanut field. Gets kinda wild when you open fire and pigs are running everywhere!  At another location we shot 2 more- and they had shot 18(!) there the night before. Spotted several deer as well, nothing can hide from those thermal scopes.

I have hunted hogs several times using dogs, over feeders and now using high-tech optics. All are a lot of fun but this was definitely unique.

I'd love to go do that. How did you get hooked up with a place to "hunt"?

That would be a lot of fun, I had no idea you couldn't donate the meat, seems like a waste.


--- Quote from: 00BUCK on February 01, 2012, 02:58:20 PM ---I'd love to go do that. How did you get hooked up with a place to "hunt"?

--- End quote ---

The guides (Jager Pro) take care of all that, train you how to use the scopes, drive you around and scout for the hogs (they have thermal spotting scopes) load em up, etc. It's a pretty slick operation. Check that website link in the original post. 

wow.  thats awesome.  we NEED to do an NFOA hog hunt.  it could be a fund raising possibility.


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