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Ginsberg, Supreme Ct Justice, Cancer...


#1). Dr. Otto Warburg defined cancer for science for all time in 1931. For his unscientific non support of the drug companies he was awarded -2- two unshared Noble Prizes in Medicine. Nominated for a 3rd but a political pain was acting up, named Hitler. If you read his remarks, you wonder what the heck is going on in this War On Cancer by Mr. Nixon, an attorney (and crook?). Oh well.....

#2). What now? Who will Obama appoint? Pro gun? Ha, ha, ha. If you haven't "battened down the hatches, DO IT, and if you have, DOUBLE CHECK THEM...

First off, prayers for Justice Ginsberg.  I am certainly diametrically opposed to her legal stances re guns, etc, but I pray that she can have a peaceful path with the cancer.  Not that any cancer is easy, but pancreatic is nasty.

Second, ice ball's chance in h-e-double-hockey-stick that "O"-man even comes close to appointing a pro-gunnie when the time comes for any SCOTUS replacement during his term(s). :P

I really expect him to appoint a Socialist, gee I wonder what Bill Ayers is doing in the near future?


--- Quote from: ranger04 on February 07, 2009, 02:25:03 PM ---I really expect him to appoint a Socialist, gee I wonder what Bill Ayers is doing in the near future?

--- End quote ---
Playing checkers with Rev Wrong Wright??? :P


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