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Snowfall reports---->

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not gonna measure it, but south omaha has a nice blanket....

and i have an icy claw of death outside my front door...

Depending on where I took the measurement in the driveway and street we are somewhere between 10 and 13 inches in southwest Lincoln

Dan W:
1 foot in my driveway, Central Lincoln

Weather Service says Columbus got 7.5" but it looks more like 8" to me.

Yep came back to Columbus to get a haircut and new tires on my car yesterday. Was gonna go home this afternoon but looks like I'm stranded until tomorrow. I wish Lincoln would plow as much as Columbus, I used to think Columbus was bad but Lincoln is horrible for snow removal. About 10 inches of snow in my neighborhood. Funny story: My dad tried "rocking" his truck to get it going (rear wheel drive only  ???) and rocked it right into my brothers old truck and broke a tail light. Definitely could have done without this snow, my haircut lady couldn't get into town so it looks like I'm going to be shaggy for a while...


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