General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Warrior Dash

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It's actually 3.33 miles, which is a little more than 5k. 

The fuzzy viking hat sealed the deal for me.

I'm in the 9:30 group.

If you want something similar with firearms, go take a look at my 24 Hour Sniper Adventure Challenge thread.

Saturday or Sunday?

hey bk,

will i die doing this?  i think i want to get my wife and i to do it (depends if she can).  wanna carpool if i can get in?

My son and I did one of these in KC last summer. It was a lot of fun. The obstacles weren't difficult at all, its definitely set up for the weekend warrior crowd. You could walk the entire course and be done in less than an hour. There were a few studs that finished the course in just over 22 minutes.

- Shawn


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