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Warrior Dash

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ok, im in!

same time and place as BK.  and i got 3 other friends to sign up... well they said they are going to sign up, we'll see if they really do!


--- Quote from: sjwsti on February 06, 2012, 08:20:43 PM ---My son and I did one of these in KC last summer. It was a lot of fun. The obstacles weren't difficult at all, its definitely set up for the weekend warrior crowd. You could walk the entire course and be done in less than an hour. There were a few studs that finished the course in just over 22 minutes.

- Shawn

--- End quote ---

I work with a guy who took 3rd place at the Lincoln mud run last year.  He said it wasn't that big of a deal.  It sounds like a lot of people just show up to have fun and party.  Of course he's a former college athlete...

This is almost right outside my back door -- and I'll be in GI that weekend! ARG!!!!  Might have to come home early from the GSSF match! :)


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