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Cop fired 40 days before retirement

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Cop fired 40 days before retirement
By Todd Cooper - Published Sunday February 19, 2012

Roger Anderson was 40 days from retirement — and the pension he would have earned after a 29-year career at the Bellevue Police Department.  Then one day his boss found out that Anderson had spent an hour of sick time taking a friend — former Bellevue Police Officer Chris Parent — through a state firearms certification test.

Police Chief John Stacey called Anderson on the carpet about administering the test for Parent — an officer Stacey had gone to great lengths, and great expense, to keep off the force.

Anderson told his supervisors he made a mistake; that he had spent four hours of sick leave with one of his children, then an hour at a gun range administering Parent's firearms test.

Anderson offered to forfeit that hour of sick time.

Stacey's response: You're fired.

The City of Bellevue listed Anderson's cause of termination as failing to follow chain of command, failing to contact a supervisor before leaving his house, violating rules over sick leave, and failing to uphold the department's integrity policy.

Anderson's attorney, Steve Delaney, attributed the termination to something else: spite.
~Read more at the link~
Contact the writer: 402-444-1275,


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Sounds like a certain police chief has let his power go to his head.  I hate seeing stuff like this but you hear so much of it - the rank and file officers doing their duty while their bosses play political games.

Wow, I was unaware of this, and I live in Bellevue.  I know this officer, and he seems to be a bit of an old style guy (carries a 1911 rather than a Glock), but he is a good officer. 

It sounds like its time to ask the State Patrol to step into this mess and see who is violating what.


The simple solution is to run for mayor, win, then fire that A-hole.

Unbelievable. Any chance this can get reversed?


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