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Cop fired 40 days before retirement

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--- Quote from: CliffD on March 04, 2012, 07:50:01 AM ---Unbelievable. Any chance this can get reversed?

--- End quote ---

After reading through the story several times, I've come to the conclusion that even if only half of it is true, Officer Anderson should be reinstated and permitted to retire as he wants to do.

I understand from a recent article in the Bellevue Leader newspaper that a date has been set to hear the case in front the city's civil service commission. Any reasonable and unbiased person can see that the chief's motivation here is spite. Hopefully, the commission will reverse the termination.

Whether the termination is reversed or not, it is imperative to conduct an internal investigation of the department, and in particular the chief, his command staff and every one of them he has promoted since his appointment. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

If I were a Bellevue City Councilperson, I would be very concerned about certain comments that several readers made which question his fidelity, morals, personal conduct and professional ethics.

The taxpayers and voters deserve to know and have confidence their police department.

I've heard that after the recent city administrator's investigation of Chief Stacey and his subsequent retirement, the city fathers
are now interested in avoiding further litigation with Officer Anderson's case and may be close to negotiating a settlement.

Good news indeed. 



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