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Monumental Movie Event

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Kirk Cameron is hosting a one night Movie Event at select theaters across the country on March 27.  This movie is a wake up call for the US.

Here's the trailer...      

Check it out here for more info...

Listings show it will be  playing in Omaha at AMC Oakview 24 and Village Point Cinemas

Sounds like a good concept but it looks like he's dragging that flag on the ground in the still pic.  Apparently, he's been taking flag respect lessons from Michelle Obama.   :angry:

ETA: Here's a picture with a less obstructed view.  It appears that he is not dragging the flag on the ground but he could certainly treat it with more respect.


--- Quote from: Mudinyeri on February 28, 2012, 02:17:59 PM ---Sounds like a good concept but it looks like he's dragging that flag on the ground in the still pic.  Apparently, he's been taking flag respect lessons from Michelle Obama.   :angry:

ETA: Here's a picture with a less obstructed view.  It appears that he is not dragging the flag on the ground but he could certainly treat it with more respect.

--- End quote ---

If you click on the link you can tell it isn't dragging on the ground, just crumpled up which is still reckless to me.


--- Quote from: bradkoll on February 28, 2012, 03:21:13 PM ---If you click on the link you can tell it isn't dragging on the ground, just crumpled up which is still reckless to me.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much what I said in my ETA.  :P

Admittedly I can be pretty touchy about flag etiquette, but hey guys, here's someone willing to take a stand and point out the problems dragging this nation into ruin.  He's not being PC and playing along with the Hollywood liberals.  Kudos to him for taking this project on.  Looking past all that and concentrating on the way he's holding the flag is kinda missing the point and maybe just a little nit-picky.  I'm bettin' the Marines didn't carry a properly triangle folded flag up the slopes of Iwo Jima either...


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